We see you. We hear your stories. We empathize. However, due to the overwhelming number of incidents that are reported, we are not able to individually respond to your experiences.
If you are under emotional duress from an anti-Asian incident, please check our Free Mental Health Services page to see if we are providing free mental health support in your state.
Please report your experience at:
The incident report form is now available in Vietnamese and Khmer, Vietnamese and Hindi as well as English, Simplified and Traditional
Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Thai, with Tagalog and a few additional South Asian languages coming soon.
If you are resident of LA Country, California please dial the hotline at 2-1-1.
The hotline can assist with counseling and even services such as bullying, housing discrimination and neighbor to neighbor disputes.
If you live in New York State, the NY Attorney General’s office has set up a hotline to report anti-Asian hate crimes:
The Attorney General's Hate Crimes Hotline is 1-800-771-7755.
Link Disclaimer: Links to third party websites, phone numbers and email on this site are provided solely as a convenience to you. If you use these links you will leave this site and Valerie Chow, Thirsty Tiger TV, and the becool2asians has no responsibility for or control over the content of those links. Links are used at the user’s risk.